
Jennnifer Leon - HRNK

Jennnifer Leon

Jennnifer Leon

Research Intern
  • Summer 2024

Jennifer Leon is an undergraduate student at the University of Notre Dame, where she is pursuing a degree in Global Affairs and Asian Studies. She is interested in analyzing the effects of immigration and social inequality, as well as raising awareness of human rights issues in North Korea.

Her interest in immigration and social inequality was influenced by her coursework, which involved analyzing the journey that North Koreans make to escape from their country, and their subsequent struggle to find a sense of belonging in their host countries. Additionally, she is keen on exploring how the marginalization of North Korean escapees impacts their sense of belonging  and influences their decisions to seek better integration and support to facilitate their assimilation.

Jennifer is the founder and rising Co-President of Liberty in North Korea at Notre Dame (LiNK ND). LiNK ND is dedicated to raising awareness and support for the activities of LiNK, an international NGO that supports the North Korean people in their journey to seek freedom.

During her internship with HRNK, Jennifer looks forward to developing her research skills and learning how research can contribute to bringing attention to human rights issues in North Korea.


Internship Application

Successful applicants will undergo a formal interview process before being offered an internship. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. We strongly recommend that applicants apply at least 3 months prior to their anticipated start date. Internships are typically unpaid, but academic credit is honored. A minimum commitment of 20 working hours per week is preferred. Please upload your documents in the .doc format. 

Submission Success

Thank you. We will be in touch soon.