
Anne Gulbrandsen - HRNK

Anne Gulbrandsen

Anne Gulbrandsen

Research Intern
  • Autumn 2013 - Autumn 2013

Anne Gulbrandsen graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2011 with a B.A. in European Studies with German as a Foreign Language, having spent one year as an exchange student in Berlin at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. From September 2011 through June 2012 she did volunteer work in Matera, Italy through the European Voluntary Service programme, where she learned Italian and a bit about the local culture, history, geology and politics. In August 2012 she enrolled in the master’s programme MSc Globalization: Global Politics and Culture at the NTNU. One month later, she joined Amnesty International as a campaigner/ fundraiser, focusing on LGBT issues. While working for HRNK, she hopes to deepen her understanding of North Korean human rights issues, and to couple this with globalization theory. The north/south divide in Korea intrigues her due to its relative similarity to the history of the Berlin Wall. Her main interests include languages, biology/ecology, and international relations.


Internship Application

Successful applicants will undergo a formal interview process before being offered an internship. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. We strongly recommend that applicants apply at least 3 months prior to their anticipated start date. Internships are typically unpaid, but academic credit is honored. A minimum commitment of 20 working hours per week is preferred. Please upload your documents in the .doc format. 

Submission Success

Thank you. We will be in touch soon.